"As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul."– Hermes Trismegistus

Guiding You Toward
Living Your Best Life
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Do you feel disconnected, need more control of your health
or just want to find a better way to live your life?
Through my one-to-one and couples coaching and group course offerings, I create a space for people to be themselves, to speak their truth, and clarify, nourish and birth their dreams for a better life. I offer techniques and approaches that will help you with challenges you’re experiencing with self-development and personal fulfillment and will ultimately lead you to healing, stability, growth, and vision.
How do you want to evolve?

Working with me one-to-one
or as a couple
You get the benefit of wisdom I have developed through my 20-plus years of performing body and energy work, my own self-development and growth, and my broad experience helping people like you with finding better health, inner peace, stability, and increased truth and knowledge about the life they want to lead.

Participating in my group courses
You will feel a sense of being part of a like-minded but unique community of people who are also seeking a life filled with better health, more pleasure, beauty, simplicity, clarity, and wholeheartedness. I offer two group programs: “Vibrant Living” and “Spiritualistic Woman.”
My group courses
I offer a beautifully supportive and collaborative community with my “Vibrant Living” Course, a group coaching program focused on building healthy, mindful habits for living your best life.
With the “Spiritualistic Woman” program, the group is led on a visionary and spiritual journey to explore and develop their intuition, self-awareness and the tools for living a life that is guided by nature and more in tune with the Universe and Mother Earth.

Who do you want to become?

Working with me either one-to-one, as a couple, or in one of my group coaching programs, you will learn:
To take control of your life instead of handing that steering wheel over to someone or something else.
To live your life with more passion. Not only going outside to see the sunset but also being awed and inspired by it.
To slow down from being “go-go-go” every day and taking the time for rest, self-reflection and self-care.